Bank Panic



Bank Panic Arcade Game

Here’s a Bank Panic Arcade game for sale. You play an Old West law enforcement “HERO!” who must protect a bank from robbers while allowing citizens to make their deposits. The screen scrolls left or right with three doors on-screen at a time with one fire button for each door. The background music for the game is “Dixie.”

The game becomes crazy and harried as the timer is running out and robbers keep pouring in through the doors. It turns into a shooting gallery twitch exercise. For big points, wait until the robbers draw their guns before you shoot them. Bonus points are awarded for your average speed on the draw in cases where enemy draws first, so shoot one robber with a quick-draw and shoot the rest unfairly before they draw for big bonus.

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Bank Panic Arcade Game

Here’s a Bank Panic Arcade game for sale. You play an Old West law enforcement “HERO!” who must protect a bank from robbers while allowing citizens to make their deposits. The screen scrolls left or right with three doors on-screen at a time with one fire button for each door. The background music for the game is “Dixie.”

We don’t have the original dedicated cabinet for this game.  It will come with a generic cabinet with Bank Panic graphics and an original Sega Bank Panic board.

The game becomes crazy and harried as the timer is running out and robbers keep pouring in through the doors. It turns into a shooting gallery twitch exercise. For big points, wait until the robbers draw their guns before you shoot them. Bonus points are awarded for your average speed on the draw in cases where enemy draws first, so shoot one robber with a quick-draw and shoot the rest unfairly before they draw for big bonus.

Additional information

Weight 350 lbs
Year Released


Max Simultaneous Players

Max Creditable Players

Cabinet Type


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