


The following is from the International Pinball Database:

Manufacturer: Williams Manufacturing Company (1944-1958) [Trade Name: Williams]
Date Of Manufacture: August 05, 1955
Model Number: 133
Type: Electro-mechanical (EM) [?]
Serial Number Database: View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database (  (External site)
Theme: Beaches – Boat Racing – Sailing – Water – Women
Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (2), Passive bumpers (5), Slingshots (2), Rollover buttons (2).
Design by: Harry Williams
Art by: George Molentin

*Note: These are photos of the actual game you can purchase!*

*all games that are sold, are refurbished and optimized before customers receive the final game. please allow one to two months after purchase so our highly skilled technicians thoroughly go over your game. thank you!*

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1 in stock

SKU: 53fa9ce8e59e-1-1-2-1-10 Category:


Regatta Pinball Machine


The following is from the International Pinball Database:


In the Regatta pinball it is a sequence game in which you must strike bumpers 1 through 5 IN ORDER. Precision beginning is required to nail the first bumper and have it bounce to hit the second. It can be difficult to bring the ball back to the top, but the center target will spot whatever your next light is. And then, if you complete all five, the bumpers will increase from 10k to 20k. Then to 100,000! If you complete it three times, each bumper will light up for a special, and you may get a lot more replays here.


  • Spell R-E-G-A-T-T-A for 1 replay, lite 2 rollovers good for replays.
  • Ball over left or right bottom rollover when R-E-G-A-T-T-A is made scores 1 replay.
  • Hitting center target when “special” is lite scores 1 replay
  • When “bumper Score Special” lite is lit each numbered bumper scores 1 replay.
  • Center target increases score same as numbered bumpers 1 to 5.
Manufacturer: Williams Manufacturing Company (1944-1958) [Trade Name: Williams]
Date Of Manufacture: August 05, 1955
Model Number: 133
Type: Electro-mechanical (EM) [?]
Serial Number Database: View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database (  (External site)
Theme: Beaches – Boat Racing – Sailing – Water – Women
Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (2), Passive bumpers (5), Slingshots (2), Rollover buttons (2).
Design by: Harry Williams
Art by: George Molentin

*Note: These are photos of the actual game you can purchase!*

*all games that are sold, are refurbished and optimized before customers receive the final game. please allow one to two months after purchase so our highly skilled technicians thoroughly go over your game. thank you!*

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Click to browse online through our extensive showroom of classic and new Pinball machines!


Looking for more photos or information about the history of this machine or international versions of this machine?

Click to check out the International Pinball Machine Database listing on this pinball machine.

Additional information

Weight 350 lbs
Year Released


Max Simultaneous Players

Max Creditable Players


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